Teaching & Perfecting the Deadlift

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How to Teach & Perfect the Deadlift Teaching the Deadlift For good reason, the Deadlift is beloved by coaches everywhere. It is an excellent way to develop pure, total body strength as well as reinforce good posture and proper mechanics that relate to many other movements. Unfortunately, though, it is also a movement where…
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Coaches Club

PLT4M Coaches Club

The PLT4M Coaches Club consists of ambassadors across the country who are recognized for their dedication to high school athletics and physical education. The Coaches Club is comprised of Strength Coaches, Sport Coaches, Physical Education Teachers, Athletic Directors, and Athletic Trainers. We’re excited to share their experiences and successes. Stay tuned for podcasts and videos…
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Friday Night Lights

Gameday Lifts

Should your athletes lift on game day? What’s the best approach to “GameDay Lifts”? We thought it’s worth a deep dive into ALL the facts surrounding “GameDay Lifts” and their possible use and benefit.
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In-Season Training Week

Lift 1: Hang Power Cleans & Back Squat Workout Brief Today’s session is a combination of power, maximal strength and core/accessory work. Before we dive in, we grease the groove with a targeted squat warm up and core activation. Do all of this well – pay attention to the details. Non-weighted work will only be…
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