How to Teach the 3 Position Clean

Want to build more powerful athletes? Most coaches would agree that incorporating lifts like the clean is a good start. The clean is an explosive, athletic movement, utilizing the entire body that can drastically increase power output.
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Hang Snatching For Athletes

All too often we run into coaches and athletes hesitant about utilizing hang snatching in their programs. At PLT4M, we believe it is an excellent accessory piece that develops a number of important things.
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Trouble With the Front Rack?

Many athletes have issues with the front rack position – most notably, being unable to keep your elbows high during heavier reps of the front squat or clean. High elbows means a better shoulder shelf for the bar, as well as a taller, prouder chest.
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Staying Hydrated

Proper hydration is a need not reserved for pre-season two-a-days or Friday night games. Water is responsible for regulating internal temperature, transports oxygen and nutrients, and aids in important metabolic processes.
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Athletes Eat and Train. They don't diet and exercise.

You Are What You Eat

In a world of fad diets and mis-information, it is important for young athletes to understand the basics of good nutrition and a healthy diet. You ask a lot of your body through intense training, practice, and competition. It requires the proper fuel to recover, maintain, and improve.
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