Person writes the word accountability.

How to Build A Culture of Accountability

Accountability can be considered the Holy Grail amongst coaches. What is it? How do you develop it? Is it actually important? Let’s take a look… Any coach, of any sport, wants to win. That should be a fairly agreeable assertion. So, if we all want to win, what separates those who do, from those who don’t?  Is…
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Nutrition graphic.

Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society

Nutrition often draws headlines around obesity, chronic disease, and our national health. And while headlines come and go, how we empower students for lifelong wellness requires an immersive educational experience.Teachers, administrators, families, and other key stakeholders can all come together around the importance of a nutrition education for students. The importance of nutrition education in schools We…
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Four great activities for your phys ed class.

4 Great Phys Ed Lessons to Add Variety to Your Class

Physical Education teachers are tasked with teaching an amazing array of topics and lessons today. Subjects like SEL, Health, and Physical Education are just the tip of the iceberg. There is almost no way that one teacher can possess all the knowledge to cover all of the topics tasked to them. So logically, we look for…
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Integrating technology in PE slides.

Integrating Technology Into PE Webinar

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Integrating Technology Into PE Webinar Last year, we all had to incorporate technology into the classroom because of Covid-19. Now, as we head into a new school year, how can Physical Education continue to bring technology into the classroom like other subject areas? Check out another webinar in our “Back To School Series” where…
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