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Meet Jessica Shawley
- Shape America National Teacher of the Year
- National Board Certified (NBCT) Physical Education Teacher
- Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Idaho
- Nationally recognized educational speaker and professional development trainer (currently serving on the Shape America Physical Education Council)
- Check out her previous podcast and article on Grant Writing
PLT4M For PE Programs – Fitness Education
In a dynamic field such as ours, Physical Education, Athletics & Fitness, we need quality resources that will help support the way we educate students. There is no one set edition of a printed, published curriculum in which we can quickly just adopt and follow. It is with this freedom that comes a great responsibility to provide a quality, standards-based program for students. I am always on the search for quality curricular resources that will improve my teaching and student learning, and I value the importance of sharing resources and success stories so others may be able to benefit in their programs. It is for these reasons I write this blog. I came across PLT4M and have started using it as a foundation for fitness education in my secondary physical education classes. It has been a big year of transition as I just finished 15 years of teaching physical education at the jr. high/middle school level, including 8 years as a head varsity coach for the softball program, to now be teaching high school Health & Physical Education. The high school P.E. department I transferred to already had a lot of great things going on. I knew my teaching and coaching background would provide a solid foundation for the courses I was to teach; however, I knew there was room for improvement regarding our fitness education progression. Secondary physical education programs, especially the high school level, are a critical last stop before adulthood for students to fortify their lifelong fitness skills. I am now using PLT4M as a go-to component of my program’s fitness education. From a curriculum perspective, here are my top reasons for using PLT4M in secondary physical education.1. PROGRAMS: Quality Fitness Education.
PLT4M offers teachers an innovative fitness education curriculum with multiple modules/programs for all levels of secondary teachers and coaches (Grades 6 – 12) and can also complement a school’s staff wellness program. PLT4M is a robust platform that is motivating for students and includes assessment measures and data tracking for teachers. It is not often you will find a platform that offers everything PLT4M does. There is a purposeful progression of fitness programs, teaching and instructional videos for every move, weekly programs, daily lessons, customization options, tracking of student progress, and printable reports.2. PERSONALIZATION: Quality Differentiation & Personalized Learning.
Personalizing learning is an essential part of teaching. I appreciate the variety of programs/modules I can choose from to best meet the needs of students. For example: My weight training classes benefit from these programs:- Intro to Weight Training
- Personal Weight Training
- Total Athlete
- Off-Season & In-Season Training
- Speed, Agility & Conditioning