YOG201: Yoga Flow – 12 New Yoga Lessons!


YOG201: Yoga Flow – 12 New Yoga Lessons!

PLT4M is excited to release the next slate of lessons in our very popular yoga series. YOG201: Yoga Flow has 12 lessons that are all about the flow! In our 101 & 102 yoga series we introduced the basic foundations of yoga and slowly moved through basic flows. Now with a strong foundation, students will dive into more comprehensive yoga workouts that are demanding breath to movement flows. We will continue to introduce more challenging poses and flow variations. Another added twist to this program is the introduction of Muscle Action Drills (MADS) that will help students target and work on both big and small muscle groups that help our yoga training.

Check out the preview

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Request a demo to check out the full PLT4M yoga series and lots of other great content and curriculum! 
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Full Flow Example

Want to give this new series a try yourself! Join Coach Lulu for the first lesson of the program below. Grab a mat and get ready to flow! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/x_I6T-kF6qM”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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