Moving phys ed online was not just a bandaid for Covid! There are endless physical education remote learning lesson plans that can continue to enhance the virtual pe option for students.
At Home PE Is Here To Stay!
When the Covid pandemic first hit, the classroom and school day shifted to online learning. One of the toughest challenges was teaching physical education remotely. Physical education was accustomed to being a dynamic and interactive in-person experience.
But now, only a few years later, remote PE for kids at home has become a viable long-term option. More PE teachers can offer remote physical education for students with technology and online resources. Whether it is a mandated quarantine, extended absence, credit recovery, or any other reason, many schools embrace phys ed online.
Struggling to Find Online Physical Education Activities
At first, many physical education teachers turned to social media and youtube videos for online pe activities. The initial results were positive! There were plenty of online pe lessons that covered teachers for a few days or weeks.
But it wasn’t long before teachers felt like they were running on a never-ending hamster wheel trying to keep up! So, where was a more centralized place to find online pe lessons for middle school and high school?
Challenge of Creating Multiple Virtual Physical Education Lessons
As the pandemic extended, and a whole host of different reasons kept the need for virtual pe lessons, physical education teachers wanted to find a consistent stream of resources. PE activities at home needed to be supported by lesson plans and curriculum.
And just like traditional health and physical education classes at school, teachers wanted to ensure that remote pe lessons still covered different components of physical activity, mental health, emotional learning, and more.

What to do for pe virtual learning?
How do you take pe ideas for distance learning and turn them into curriculum? There are many options from at-home fitness, yoga, mindfulness, and more that students can choose from.
While many first looked for pe activities without equipment, there are countless creative ways to use objects and resources at home to get a great workout in!
With remote physical education, it is about giving students safe opportunities to explore fitness and wellness all through home learning.
Three Physical Education Remote Learning Lesson Plans
Physical education distance learning lesson plans should follow a template that can work in a variety of settings. Each student might have a slightly different at-home situation, and very few likely have endless space and equipment. These lessons have physical education videos that guide students through options to do these workouts anywhere!
Lesson 1: “Goblet Squat”
In the coming sessions, you’ll notice with switch things up slightly, introducing some new loaded movements for all. Today, we’re going to begin working a loaded “Goblet Squat”, as well as some “unilateral” work, aka single limb, with loaded RDLs and a Bulgarian Split Squat. Remember, Dumbbells are great, but all we really need is a loaded backpack/duffle bag/etc to make it happen! Now that we are adding load, make sure we continue to priortize our movement and technique. Watch the videos to perfect your craft!
Lesson 2: “Press”
Today’s main focal point is some increased difficulty within our “Press” aka the standard push up. We are introducing a new variation for all, the “Hand-Release Push Up” which removes the SSC aspect of the movement (think the rebound effect), making it harder than a normal push up. That being said, if you are still working on mastering the original push up, continue to do so! Use these sets and reps to build your capacity and continue to scale as needed – remember, even your couch can be used to scale appropriately. We are also going to begin prescribing formal upper body pulling, aka pull ups or whatever substitution you need to perform. Watch the video to familiarize yourself with all the pulling options available to you at home!
Lesson 3: “Overhead Squat”
Introducing another brand new squat variation, the Overhead Squat! This movement requires almost no loading to be challenging. Our focus is on learning and mastering control of the movement and achieving full range of motion with great technique. Don’t be discouraged if you have trouble at first, that’s the whole point! We have some other loaded lower body work as well with the classic two-legged RDL and a weighted lunge. Do try to keep track of what weights/instruments you use, it will help down the road. Lastly, we have a classic aerobic-style finisher with some volume work and cardio mixed together. Let’s have a day!
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Bonus! The PE Challenge At Home
In addition to at-home workouts, teachers can add remote fitness games for pe. Through various phys ed fitness challenge opportunities, students can test and assess some basic movements at home and log them via PLT4M, google classroom, or your preferred method. Check out just one of the many PLT4M fitness challenges.
Key Takeaways On Virtual PE Lesson Plans
Virtual physical education has the opportunity to promote lifelong physical activity. Encouraging students to explore different at-home fitness and wellness options will equip them with skills that will last a lifetime.
And while this article sampled fitness workouts, many other options can fill endless weeks of online pe curriculum. Check out some of the other remote learning lesson plans that could fit within your curriculum!
Do you just have at home PE activities?
No, PLT4M is the complete physical education lesson plan solution. Whether you have students at school, at home, or a blend of both, PLT4M has you covered!
What are the best physical education websites for students?
PLT4M has great content and curriculum, but we also have a lot of respect for these excellent companies and websites! Many of these have a lot of elementary pe options that can be a wonderful addition to PLT4M’s middle and high school options!