The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) provides leadership, resources, and best practices for school districts across the state. In addition, they provide Illinois learning standards for a diverse range of subject areas, including physical education. The 6 ISBE PE standards help to outline the guiding principles for developing the physically literate individual through physical education. We unpack these 6 standards and how physical education teachers can utilize PLT4M to align to the Illinois learning standards.
6 ISBE Pe Standards
There are 6 ISBE PE standards for physical education teachers to consider. These include:
STATE GOAL 19: Acquire movement and motor skills and understand concepts necessary to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
STATE GOAL 20: Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment.
STATE GOAL 21: Develop skills necessary to become a successful member of a team by working with others during physical activity.
STATE GOAL 22: Understand principles of health promotion and the prevention and treatment of illness and injury.
STATE GOAL 23: Understand human body systems and factors that influence growth and development.
STATE GOAL 24: Promote and enhance health and well-being through the use of effective communication and decision-making skills.
Challenges Aligning To ISBE PE Standards
The ISBE PE standards provide a broad definition of what health and physical education should look and feel like for students in Illinois. But because they are broad, it leaves physical education teachers and school districts left to determine the finer details of curriculum development and lesson planning.
And not only are the ISBE PE standards broad, they also require teachers to cover a large swath of different types of health education and physical education concepts. There is a lot to cover in a short amount of time during a semester or school year.
But these challenges should not deter teachers from looking developing the physically literate individual through a standard aligned approach. Here is where physical education teachers can turn to trusted resources that are aligned to ISBE PE standards.
Aligning To Standards With PLT4M
Schools in Illinois can take these 6 ISBE PE standards and outline curriculum that meets the individual needs of it’s student population. In recent years, many Illinois schools have adopted PLT4M to create fitness-education model of physical education for students.
Schools introduce and teach units like general fitness, weightlifting, yoga, dance, bootcamp, and other physical fitness units with PLT4M to address the 6 ISBE PE standards. Plus other physical literacy and nutrition units help to address the health education components of the ISBE PE standards. In addition they utilize PLT4M technology to enhance standard alignment and track the state required Fitnessgram Assessment.
Below we expand on the first two ISBE PE standards and how PLT4M helps Illinois schools with standard alignment. Want to see how PLT4M aligns to all 6 ISBE PE standards? Reach out to us for a free consultation!
Example 1: STATE GOAL 19
“Acquire movement and motor skills and understand concepts necessary to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity.”
With PLT4M, Illinois schools adopt a fitness-focused curriculum that supports the complete physical development of students.
For example, at Carbondale High School the physical education department introduces students to basic foundational movement concepts so that they can participate in weightlifting. DeAndre Smith explains how they ensure every student gets a chance to explore these opportunities,
“During freshmen PE, students can get a taste of the weight room for the first time, eventually leading them to different options for the rest of their high school career….When we added PLT4M, we saw a clear roadmap for success. It makes us efficient and effective when assigning workouts, teaching new movements, tracking progress, and motivating people to work hard.”
Example 2: STATE GOAL 20
“Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment.”
Here, technology in physical education plays an important role in self-assessment. Students can’t self assess unless they have data to help put fitness into perspective.
For example, to help students on the path of personal improvement, Jacksonville High School fitness classes emphasize the numbers and data associated with workouts. PE teacher Tim Thrasher says this is a crucial component of supporting students’ progress,
“When students can see fitness metrics and numbers change, they know in real time the personal improvement they are making. In addition, it helps them come to class with a purpose and focus on working hard. Every day is an opportunity to get better.”
Key Takeaways on ISBE PE Standards & PLT4M
“There is a significant body of research showing that children who are more physically active perform better in class and on standardized tests. Improving opportunities for physical activity is an imperative for improving our children’s academic achievement and their health.” – Source: Illinois Department of Education
It may seem like a daunting task to align your physical education program to all the different elements of the ISBE PE standards. But PLT4M is proud to partner with schools across the state of Illinois with curriculum, technology, and professional development to align to standards.
Reach out to PLT4M as we continue to support teachers on the mission of empowering students with lifelong fitness, health, and wellness schools.
Does PLT4M Align To Shape Standards?
Yes, PLT4M curriculum and technology aligns to Shape Standards!
SHAPE America’s National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective physical education program. Our standard alignment guide demonstrates how the PLT4M programs align with grade level standards, helping you achieve and accomplish a standards-based curriculum.
The guide is organized in two different ways:
Breakdown by Standard – Build your curriculum based on a set of standards you’re aiming to meet.
Breakdown by PLT4M Program – Determine which standards will be met based on the PLT4M programs you’ve implemented.
What Type Of PE Lesson Plans Does PLT4M Offer?
PLT4M offers a wide range of PE lesson plans. Explore and check out the wide range of options that are Shape Standard aligned: