Intro To Warrior 2 – Sample Lesson Materials
Throughout our Intro To Yoga program, we break all poses and flows down in great detail! In lesson 2, Coach Lulu introduces three new standing poses that all have the same stance: Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle, & Reverse Warrior. With each lesson, students can tap into the instructional follow along videos and have access to detailed lesson notes. Check out the Warrior 2 example from our second lesson!Intro To Warrior 2
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/skB_FqVzJnc”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lesson Notes
In this video, we will 1) Introduce Warrior 2 stance 2) Practice Warrior 2 on Right and Left Side The next three poses we will introduce have the same leg stance and offer different arm variations. To find this stance:- Separate your feet and point your front foot forward and back foot out to the side.
- From here, check to see that your front heel is bisecting your back foot arch.
- Place a 90 degree bend in your front knee and make sure to keep your knee stacked over your ankle.
- Press your tailbone down to keep your shoulders stacked over your hips.
- (Front) heel to (Back) arch alignment
- 90 degree bend in your knee and stack it over your ankle
- Reach your arms in opposite directions, and squeeze your shoulder blades together
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Want to take a closer look at what a full yoga lesson and workout looks like? Each lesson is 30 minutes long and typically sticks to the following format:- Intro & Class Briefing
- Sun A Warm Up
- Introduction and Practice of 3 New Yoga Poses
- Mini Flow Applying New Yoga Poses
- Wrap Up and Savasana