This is a guest post from PE teacher Molly Collins. Molly is a teacher at Pennfield High School in Michigan and has been contributing articles, webinars, and podcasts to PLT4M for over 3 years!
I believe everything in life is connected like a puzzle. In my life, I have three words to live by.
Purpose. Passion. Pride. I use them in my everyday life but also at school. I call it “P3 Fitness.”
It’s a way to embrace what’s important and start the chain reaction to an impactful life. A life that is your story, as flawed and imperfect as it may be. It’s a life being built through trial and error.
How do I define P3 Fitness? Let me explain.
What is Purpose?
Purpose is your “why.” It’s different for everyone, yet everyone’s purpose is impactful. We all have a purpose in life, and for a young student-athlete, you most likely don’t have a clue of what your purpose is yet. Setting goals can often help develop that purpose.
Through Physical Education, my goal is to challenge my students in ways they have never been challenged before. In other words, find the pieces to the puzzle.
What is Passion?
Passion is being strong and in control of your emotions. As young student-athletes, there are a lot of variables that come into play on a daily basis.
Physical Education gives students the opportunity to push themselves past comfortable and to remain physically and mentally strong. In addition to controlling negative thoughts and staying positive, your passion follows and fuels your purpose.
What is Pride?
Pride means confidence and respect in one’s self and in others. It’s the key that leads to purpose. Having pride in yourself is to love and trust yourself.
High school can be a tough place. For most students, self-confidence lacks. Yet, day in and day out, when you are able to accomplish small goals while being surrounded by others doing the same, a school can become a powerful place.
Pride fuels your passion to help you find your purpose.
Lesson Plans for Busy P.E. Teachers!
15 Fitness Focused lessons, ready to be put to use right away! Get your P.E Resource Pack today.
My Class and the PLT4M Connection:
How does my P3 Fitness philosophy blend so well with PLT4M’s mission?
PLT4M has given me the chance to teach to the student, not just to the group. With large class sizes (up to 40 students), providing detailed individual instruction can be difficult. Yet, it’s what every student deserves.
Through PLT4M, I am not teaching anything different in terms of lifts or exercises, but I am using technology to help reach more students at the level they individually need.
From a starting varsity lineman to the student who has never stepped foot into a fitness class, everyone can get their needs met by having access to in-person and online training. The app allows for the students to go at their own pace, yet face similar challenges daily.
Personalized weights for each exercise help challenge my students, and we have, in turn, seen personal growth through their individual log sets. The students all have goals, and fitness testing and leaderboards allow for those goals to have a purpose.
Finally, PLT4M allows for the students to see growth, not only in their physical appearance, but mental as well. This growth gives them confidence and self-respect to follow their purpose, all while having passion when doing so. PLT4M is for everyone!
Don’t Take My Word For It.
As part of our final exam, my students wrote their thoughts about the class. Some students’ thoughts were:
“This class helped me to just be myself and express myself. It also helped me develop better relationships with my friends. It taught me to always give my best no matter what anyone else does and to always push myself.”
“This class helped me by giving me a winning attitude towards sports and school. Through hard work, commitment, and consistency, I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.”
That is what Physical Education and PLT4M are doing in the lives of young students and athletes today. When focusing on developing purpose, passion, and pride, these students are going to be the ones that are truly prepared for the future and will be able to impact others.
Teaching and coaching is my purpose and why I love my job.