Weight Training – Student-Athletes’ Perspective
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On the most recent Flivver Flash episode, Coach VanDusen talks with a few of the student-athletes about their experience weightlifting and using PLT4M.
Intro From Coach VanDusen
John introduces the episode talking about the flexibility that PLT4M has provided.
With busy student schedules, the online app has taken the pressure off student-athletes and allowed them to work out on their own time (before school, after school and on the weekends).
It has also helped take the pressure off the coaches who can check the app’s data and reports to see who has been working out and who hasn’t. With so many kids working jobs, playing other sports, and juggling life, John highlights how it has been nice to have some flexibility for the kids to get their workouts done.
What Students Are Saying
Following John’s introduction, he sits down for a round table discussion with a group of football players who have been getting into the weight room.
While the weight room flexibility is nice, most of the kids still try their best to find time together. Here is what one student had to say,
“I think it is nice to go on your own time because I work and it is hectic, but it is also nice to go in with your friends and push each other.”
All the student-athletes highlighted they loved seeing their weights go up. When asked about their favorite lifts, just about everyone said the bench, squat, or deadlift. They loved logging worksets on the PLT4M app and seeing their numbers start to rise. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Want to see how you can integrate PLT4M in your program?
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Tips To 8th Graders
And while just about every student said they loved the big lifts and putting heavy weight on the bar, they knew that form came first. When asked what advice they would give the 8th graders everyone had very similar responses,
“Work on your form, because THEN you can start increasing the weight. If you don’t have good form, you are going to get hurt.”
Another student had this to say to the next generation of football players,
“Keep hitting the weights! Once you start, keep going, you can increase weight a lot. I didn’t go as an 8th grader a lot, and then I went a lot as 9th grader, and I started seeing results and wanted to keep getting better.”
It is no surprise that high school athletes were interested in the weight on the bar, but when Coach VanDusen reaffirmed proper technique first, all the students agreed with putting form first.
“I am glad you guys mentioned form and safety because you can actually lift more weight if you have the proper form. If you have kind of shady form on something like bench press, or squat, it is a safety issue, but you also cannot do as much weight. When you build on good form, you can really start to see numbers go up.”
Closing Thoughts From The Flivvers
As Coach VanDusen wrapped up the podcast with the boys and asked for closing thoughts, they all shared the same sentiment: “It goes by fast! Enjoy it.”
What a great closing message for other coaches and players to take away from this podcast. No matter what happens, spending time with your friends in the weight room or on the field will become some of the most priceless memories.
The Flivver Flash are building something special, and it goes far past weight room dedication or on-field success. The Flash are creating lasting memories together, and this podcast was a great celebration of that. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]