Jump Rope Activities For Elementary PE

Jump rope activities for elementary PE blog cover.

Jump rope activities for elementary PE are more than just a way to get kids moving—they help students develop essential motor skills, rhythm, timing, and coordination. These activities also promote cardiovascular endurance, agility, and perseverance, making them a valuable part of any PE curriculum.


In this article, we’ll explore how these fun jump rope activities align with SHAPE standards, preview our full jump rope resource pack with activity descriptions, and share a full lesson sample from PLT4M’s K-5 offering to help bring these skills to life in your classroom.

Fun Jump Rope Activities for Elementary PE


There are many different ways to make jumping rope fun for elementary students in physical education class.


Whether students are just beginning to learn the basics or working on more advanced skills, jump rope activities for elementary PE can be tailored to meet their developmental levels.

Within a jump rope unit, students can practice skills such as accumulating consecutive jumps, performing jump rope tricks, using a long jump rope, and much more. Over the course of different jump rope lessons, students will learn to love jumping rope while building their jumping skills in the process!

Get Free Sample Lessons! 

Explore our K-5 Curriculum with these select Lesson Plans from some of our most popular Units. Each lesson includes a one page lesson overview, equipment checklist, game setup, teaching cues, standard alignment and more! 

Standards-Aligned Jump Rope Activities for Elementary PE

Beyond being fun, jump rope games and activities also address specific SHAPE Standard 1 (Developing a variety of motor skills) sub-standards:

  • PreK-2: 1.2.16 Demonstrates jumping rope in a non-dynamic environment.

  • Grades 3-5: 1.5.6 Demonstrates jumping rope in a variety of practice tasks.

Jump rope activities for elementary PE also support additional SHAPE K-5 standards, including but not limited to:

  • 2.2.3 Identifies movement concepts related to locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills.

  • 2.5.10 Defines and provides examples of movement activities for developing skill-related fitness components.

  • 3.2.2 Demonstrates the ability to encourage others.

  • 3.5.4 Demonstrates safe behaviors independently with limited reminders.

  • 4.2.6 Sets observable short-term goals.

  • 4.5.7 Identifies movement strengths and opportunities for practice to support individual improvement.

Teaching Cues for Jump Rope

To help students build confidence in physical education class, PE teachers should start by teaching proper jump rope techniques before incorporating fun and engaging jump rope activities.

PE teacher and K-5 content expert Mike Graham emphasizes the importance of key teaching cues when working with young learners. These cues help students develop strong jumping habits and improve their coordination over time.

At the heart of any jump rope activity for elementary PE is teaching the basic setup, rope turn, and jump for students of all skill levels.

1) Set Up:

  • Grip: Hold the handles so the rope comes out of the top of your fist.

  • Elbows in: Keep elbows tight to the body, with hands pointing outward toward the walls on either side of you.

  • Start Position: Step through the rope so it rests behind you, touching near your ankles.

2) Rope Turn:

  • Make a big, slow arm circle to create a “rainbow” with the rope as it moves over your head.

  • Step over the rope with both feet and repeat the “rainbow turn” and step-over pattern.

3) Jump:

  • Important! Turn first, then jump.

  • Jump Technique: Stand tall, jump small.

  • When you see the rope come over your head… JUMP!

  • Keep your feet together and land on the balls of your feet.

Jumping rope teaching cues and standards for elementary pe lesson plans.

Bonus Graphic – Help Students Pick Jump Rope 

At the heart of a successful jump rope activity in physical education is ensuring students have the right jump rope size. Jumping rope can be challenging—especially if the rope is too long or too short.

A properly sized jump rope allows students to develop rhythm, coordination, and confidence as they jump. By helping each student find the right fit, PE teachers can set them up for success and make jump rope activities more fun and engaging for all skill levels!

Take this visual and display it in your gym to help students find the right jump rope size!

Graphic to help students pick the right size jump rope during elementary pe.

Resources for Jump Rope Activities & Games in Elementary PE

Within PLT4M’s Jump Rope Resource Pack, K-5 content expert Mike Graham combines lesson plans, jump rope games, and bulletin board materials to create engaging and developmentally appropriate activities for elementary PE.

Included in these materials are the following resources:

  • Jump Rope Ninjas – Challenge students to level up by completing consecutive jumps and earning colored belts. Can you earn your black belt? Includes beginner and advanced individual grade-level challenges for grades K-6.

  • Jump Rope Ninja Bulletin Board Materials – Use graphics to create colorful wall displays or decorate your award boards for the Jump Rope Ninja Activity. These eye-catching graphics display both the belt levels and the number of jumps required for each.

  • Jump Rope Record Boards – Two turn-based jump rope activities with a partner, designed to help students work on jumping endurance.

  • Jump to 100 – An individual, turn-based jump rope activity designed to help students practice up to six consecutive jumps.

  • Jump to 200 – An individual, turn-based jump rope activity designed to help students practice up to 12 consecutive jumps.

  • Locomotor Fitness with Jump Ropes – Two teacher-directed activities where students use a jump rope to practice various fundamental skills.

  • Long Rope Stationary Start – A small group activity designed to help students practice jumping and turning a long jump rope.

Want these ready-to-use jump rope activities for elementary PE and loads of other other units? Learn more about our full slate of elementary PE lesson plans made in partnership with our K-5 expert Mike Graham.

Get Free Sample Lessons! 

Explore our K-5 Curriculum with these select Lesson Plans from some of our most popular Units. Each lesson includes a one page lesson overview, equipment checklist, game setup, teaching cues, standard alignment and more! 

Sample Lesson from Jump Rope Activities Unit for Elementary PE

Check out one of PLT4M’s jump rope activities for elementary PE! Featured in this blog post is one of the jump rope games for PE, “Jump to 100.”

Each PLT4M lesson includes the following materials and resources to support successful implementation of fun and exciting PE games and activities:

Key Takeaways On Jump Rope Activities For Elementary PE 


Jump rope activities for elementary PE are a fun and engaging way to help elementary students develop essential motor skills, coordination, and endurance. By incorporating structured lessons, skill progressions, and exciting games, PE teachers can create a positive experience that builds confidence and physical literacy.

At PLT4M, we provide high-quality K-5 lesson plans, resources, and expert guidance to support PE teachers in delivering effective and engaging instruction. Teaching jump rope in PE isn’t just about the activity—it’s about fostering a lifelong skill that students can enjoy beyond the classroom.

Explore PLT4M’s resources today and bring dynamic, developmentally appropriate PE lessons to your students!

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