3 high school students playing sports and working out displayed in front of PLT4M app on phone.

The Only Software Built Exclusively For Phys Ed and Athletics

Spend less time stressing over the details, and more time doing what you love - Coaching Athletes!

PLT4M instructors demonstrating proper front squat form.

Content for Coaches by Coaches

Our team of teachers and certified strength coaches have created the content you need, so you don’t have to

Data At Your Fingertips

With our staff App, every coach in the building will know exactly what their athletes are doing, day in and day out

Collage showcasing PLT4M technology displayed on computer, phone, and a teacher working with a student.
Collage of PLT4M demo athlete working out and using technology in weight room.

Tech as an Advantage, Not a Distraction

Intuitive tech features to make workouts MORE efficient

See What Coaches Are Saying!

Quote board from Blake Roberts - Owensboro High School in Kentucky.
Quote board from Jason Majchrowski - Naperville North High School.
Quote board from Keith Recker - Van Wert High School in Ohio.