Improve Teacher Wellness

PLT4M is a Total Wellness Solution built specifically for K-12 Education. We understand the needs of administrators, teachers, and students to help drive positive outcomes in the well-being of your school community!

Group of staff using plt4m

Why Invest In a Teacher Wellness Platform?

Teachers are being asked to do more than ever before, leading many to leave the profession. As administrators struggle to backfill these positions, the burden only gets heavier for the teachers who stay.

Investing in a Wellness Platform shows your staff you care while proactively working to alleviate stress and restore educators’ spirits, enhancing their classroom impact!

The Effects of Teacher Burnout

The Effects Of A Staff Wellness Plan

Decreased Stress

Stress is the most common cause of illness and decreased job performance

Better Retention

Investing in wellness means investing in employees, which shows them you care

Higher Productivity

Exercise has been shown to improve energy and focus, increasing productivity

How Can PLT4M Meet
This Need?

Empower teachers to take ownership of their wellbeing through a holistic solution that helps nurture mind, body, and spirit. Unlock teachers' potential and inspire a healthy lifestyle, in and out of the classroom.

  • Workouts For All

    Get access to over 30 professional fitness programs and 1,200+ demo videos to achieve your goals. Start the journey to a stronger, healthier, and happier you today!

  • Tech Powered Training

    Get fit anywhere with PLT4M! Use our mobile app or project it onto a screen for group workouts with the "class mode" option. It's perfect for solo workouts or group training!

  • Data Driven Insights

    Give teachers real-time feedback on their progress, and use our administrator dashboard to set gamified fitness challenges! Let's inspire and empower teachers to be their very best – for their students and themselves!

PLT4M Rackview Feature

What Makes PLT4M Different?

PLT4M leverages a cutting-edge tech platform to help schools prioritize and improve the well-being of teachers AND students. 

Through our proprietary software, administrators and staff can work hand in hand to develop a comprehensive and holistic plan that inspires the wellness journey of students and teachers in a supportive, collaborative manner. 

Schedule a Free Consultation to Learn More!